Slipping and falling can lead to serious injuries like broken bones or concussions. Whether you fell while at work or during a shopping trip to the grocery store in Bradenton, your case may require the aid of a personal injury attorney. Having a legal professional by your side to walk you through the claim process and negotiate on your behalf is an invaluable asset. There are ways to begin the recovery process after an accident, so read on to find out more.

Figuring Out if You Have a Valid Slip and Fall Claim

Once you have tended to your injuries and seen a medical professional, report the accident to an authority such as a landlord, store owner, or manager, and then call a personal injury attorney in Bradenton. While you are at the scene, you should record evidence like pictures of where you fell, take note of the surroundings like any debris or objects. Get a written report before departing the premises. Also, locate witnesses and record their names, addresses, and phone numbers. Even if they didn’t see the accident take place, they could testify about the conditions of the surroundings or the aftermath of how things were handled.

To have a valid slip and fall claim, certain elements must have been present:

  • There must have been negligence
  • That negligence must have directly caused the accident and the injuries

Who Can You Sue For Liability?

In a slip and fall case, who you can sue depends on the nature of the accident. What negligence occurred? If you slipped and fell on a wet floor in a store, you likely will sue the store owner. However, if the store owner leases their property in Bradenton, then you may be bringing a suit against the landlord of the property. Consult with a personal injury attorney to understand who you can and should pursue for compensation after an accident.

After filing a claim, you may be approached by insurance adjusters or the responsible party’s lawyers. These individuals are on the opposing side, so use caution. You may interact with them, but be extremely careful about what you say. Anything you say can be used against you in court. Before speaking with them, consult with your personal injury attorney, or bring your lawyer with you when you speak with them in Bradenton.

Choose a Personal Injury Attorney You Can Trust. Choose K LAW, PLLC.

If you need the services of a personal injury attorney to help you after a slip and fall accident in the Bradenton area, trust K LAW, PLLC. Lisa Kennedy is a former insurance claims adjuster and understands what goes on behind the scenes for insurance companies, as well as their usual tricks. We use this to our advantage to fight for our client’s rights. A lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us at (941) 242-5550 or contact us online to schedule a complimentary consultation.