Dog Bite Injury Attorney
Dog Bites aren’t very common, but when they do happen, the physical and emotional devastation caused by a vicious dog bite attack can have lasting consequences. Most dog bites occur on the owner’s property and the majority of victims are family or friends of the owner.
Under Florida law, dog owners are responsible to know their animal and must take reasonable measures to prevent a dog bite attack, especially if the dog has a violent history. Professionals such as veterinarians, animal behaviorists and qualified dog breeders can help you determine which breed of dog is safest for your household, and may be less prone to violence.
K LAW, PLLC – All The Help You Need!
We Will Aggressively Pursue Your Case.
Dog bite injuries can sometimes be devastating to the injured person and to their family and friends. We here at K LAW, PLLC understand this. If you or someone you know has been seriously injured by a dog bite, we are All the Help You Need!
Let our firm help you with:
- Insurance Forms
- Medical Claims
- Liability Claims
Office available in Pensacola, Florida for your convenience.